Head First – Design Patterns

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Only talk to your friends

OO-Principle 6

Overzicht van de behandelde Patterns:

Pattern nameDescription
1StateEncapsulates state-based behaviors and uses delegation to switch between behaviors.
2IteratorProvides a way to traverse a collection of objects without exposing its implementation.
3DecoratorWraps an object to provide new behavior.
4FacadeSimplifies the interface of a set of classes.
5AdapterWraps an object and provides a different interface to it.
6ProxyWraps an object to control access to it.
7StrategyEncapsulates interchangeable behaviors and uses delegation to decide which one to use.
8Abstract FactoryAllow a client to create families of objects without specifying their concrete classes.
9Factory MethodSubclasses decide which concrete classes to create.
10ObserverAllow objects to be notified when state changes.
11Template MethodSubclasses decide how to implement steps in an algorithm.
12Composite Clients treat collections of objects and individual objects uniformly.
13SingletonEnsures one and only object is created.
14CommandEncapsulates a request as an object.